How I Used TikTok to Build Outfits

Every time I scroll through TikTok I see super cool outfits. Mostly they are my age, but some of these people are teens! How are teens dressed better than me!? Seriously did they take lessons? Turns out, yeah, some of them did. One user shared how in modelling school they taught her to count herContinue reading “How I Used TikTok to Build Outfits”

I would like to introduce you to Leather Socks

Okay yeah it sounds kind of gross. Super uncomfy. They would probably look pretty badass though. When I’m feeling particularly depressed, that’s what dressing up feels like. The outfit might be cute but being out of bed and wearing that outfit in public? Kind of nasty. But lately I’ve been feeling pretty good. With theContinue reading “I would like to introduce you to Leather Socks”

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